We envision a future where thriving communities and countryside form a rich ecosystem, halting the decline of bumblebees and fostering diverse habitats.
Bumblebees are one of the best pollinators, better than honeybees and essential for food production and a healthy environment.
Bumblebees, Honeybees and other insect pollinators are in dramatic global decline. They are essential for the reproduction of an estimated 90% of flowering plants and 33% of human food crops.
Bees are dealing with disease, battling changing environments, reduced green space and increasing use of toxic pesticide sprays.
Humankind’s dependence on bee pollinated food crops and subsequent survival totally relies on keeping the pact between flowers, our environment and pollinators intact.
Educating our people, and our children as to how and why we can do this by helping to conserve and preserve the bumblebee is our mission. That's why we have established the NZ Bumblebee Conservation Trust.

Bumblebees, by way of their familiar shape and passive nature, make for the perfect icon for people to embellish as a figurehead in educating children and adults, one and all in the connection of how a healthy environment is the key to mankind’s future survival and wellbeing.

Our Aim
To promote the conservation and long term future of bumblebees in NZ, increasing the knowledge of our communities about the high-value of bumblebees and how their pollination services contribute significantly to our economy.
The passive and much loved bumblebee will be a figurehead of the trust to educate all people of NZ in the critical necessity in the preservation of this insect for mankind’s food today and in the future.
Our vision
To ensure New Zealand is continually plentiful in bumblebees and their pollinator friends. We seek to achieve this by having people understand the critical importance of having a rich floral resource throughout the land be it with flowers, hedgerows or flowering trees in order to sustain a healthy and guaranteed future for our food crops.
Please help us today...